What are the different oral problems ?


What are the different oral problems ?

If you are here it is because you have that the different oral problems you have are affecting your health in general. However, you need to know the characteristics of each one to know how to spot them and have recourse or the most suitable treatment in your case.

Here is a guide that will help you know the different oral problems and how to treat them.

Tartar on the teeth

Limiting or avoiding the appearance of dental tartar is important for good oral health and good oral hygiene. Indeed, it can lead to several oral diseases such as dental caries, gingivitis or periodontitis. It is therefore important to have an annual or biannual scaling at your dentist to effectively remove tartar from your teeth. However, you can fight the appearance of tartar by practicing good oral habits.

There are several ways to prevent tartar from forming on your teeth:

  • Good tooth brushing: It is important to brush your teeth ideally for 2 minutes and twice a day with small circular movements from the gum towards the tooth and not horizontal movements.
  • Regular use of dental floss: the dental plaque that causes tartar is essentially made up of residues and bacteria that get between the teeth. It is therefore recommended to use it every night before brushing your teeth.
  • A good hydration: Drinking water regularly during the day and between meals allows to fight effectively against the dental plaque. Water removes all food residue, activates saliva production and helps balance the natural pH of your mouth.
  • Days without snacking: Eating acidic or sweet foods between meals contributes to the accumulation of plaque and the development of bacteria on your teeth. It is therefore important to have a balanced diet to avoid tartar formation.

The appearance of dental plaque

Dental plaque is a white or yellow film that results from the accumulation of bacteria in the form of deposits. It is generally found on the dental surfaces. It is important to remove it after each meal because it produces acidic substances that cause cavities, gum inflammation and even dental infections. When the plaque hardens, it turns into tartar which cannot be removed by brushing your teeth. It is therefore important to go to your dentist to have your teeth scaled.

Here are the different possible solutions to eliminate dental plaque:

  • Precise tooth brushing: it is important to brush your teeth in all the nooks and crannies but also with dental floss or interdental brushes.
  • Toothpastes to use: you can use a fluoride toothpaste to prevent cavities or a toothpaste containing papaya leaf because it is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
  • A toothbrush with soft, fine bristles: This is the only type of toothbrush that will effectively remove plaque without damaging your gums.
  • Therapeutic mouthwash: This mouthwash allows you to fight against the deposit of dental plaque that gets into areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. 

You can opt for the Y-Brush toothbrush. Indeed, it can remove 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush.



Tooth loosening

Tooth loosening is a disease that is characterized by the poor attachment of the tooth to the jaw. The main reason for this is a progressive reduction of the gum tissue. Indeed, a healthy tooth is surrounded by tissues which ensure its maintenance: the periodontium. However, in case of tooth loosening, the tissues no longer allow the fixation of the teeth. This is when the tooth becomes mobile and can fall out. It represents the last phase of an inflammation of the gums: the periodontitis. It can be avoided by better dental hygiene and regular scaling.

The dental surgeon offers different treatments and advice to remedy the loosening of teeth:

  • A professional cleaning and a surfacing: They allow to eliminate all the bacteria and the tartar present in your mouth but also the bacterial plaque present on the roots of the teeth.
  • Antibiotic treatment: The main effect is to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in your gums and teeth. It restores support to the affected teeth and protects the tooth roots.
  • A gum graft: It will give back both height and thickness to your diseased gums. The dentist removes a piece of tissue from the palate or gum tissue.
  • Laser treatment: The dental surgeon uses a penetrating radiation under hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes. The result is almost immediate.

The formation of canker sores

Mouth ulcers are superficial ulcers that form on the mucous membranes inside the mouth, but also on the inside of the cheeks, the inside of the lips, the tongue, the palate or the gums. It occurs after feeling a burning sensation. A red spot then appears followed by an ulceration. It is round or oval in shape. It has a yellowish or grayish background with a clear red edge. It occurs during meals or after brushing the teeth. It is a benign condition but it makes daily life and eating difficult.

Here are the different products that relieve the pain of canker sores:

  • Viscous lidocaine: This is an anesthetic gel that is applied to ulcers or as a mouthwash for pain. It provides pain relief but alters the sense of taste.
  • Carboxymethylcellulose : It is considered a protective coating that can be applied to mouth ulcers to relieve pain.
  • Benzydamine mouthwash: This substance is an anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it usually provides temporary relief from canker sores.
  • Silver nitrate: The use of a silver nitrate and potassium nitrate pencil will primarily help to alleviate the pain caused by canker sores.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is also known as halitosis. It is a common oral problem. It is caused by many factors, such as smoking, eating foods that contain sulfur-containing compounds, or a throat infection. In 85 to 90% of cases, it is due to the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth and more precisely on the tongue. The tongue is the cause of bad breath in the vast majority of cases. To know if you have bad breath, you can lick your wrist with your tongue and smell.

Here are the different remedies to have better breath: 

  • Lemon juice: It has antiseptic virtues that allow you to have a fresher breath. You must put in a glass of water the juice of the lemon pressed and drink it daily.
  • A solution based on baking soda: It will help to reduce your mouth acidity. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass and gargle.
  • The use of vegetable charcoal: It is a food supplement which allows to absorb toxins and bacteria against in the mouth. You can use it in the form of capsules.
  • Essential oils: They are antibacterial. Just put a few drops of peppermint essential oil on your tongue before brushing your teeth or on your toothbrush.


Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by particularly high levels of glucose in the blood. The signs and symptoms of diabetes appear in the mouth. People with diabetes are therefore at a much higher risk of dental problems and gum disease. In fact, irregular control of high blood sugar levels increases the risk of infection and affects the ability to heal. That's why they need to monitor their oral health. The most common oral problems are: periodontal disease, gum abscess or cavities.

Here are the treatments or solutions for a better oral health:

  • Periodontal sanitation: This is a scaling-root surfacing treatment to manage chronic periodontitis. It allows to remove the dental plaque and the tartar located under the gum.
  • Regular follow-up by the dentist: It is recommended to make an appointment once every six months with your dentist for a semi-annual scaling to prevent gum disease.
  • Use a good toothbrush: You should use a soft bristle toothbrush 20/100th or 15/100th in case of gum inflammation.
  • A good diet: It is particularly important to think of privileging a healthy, balanced diet by avoiding well which is at the origin of the carious peaks.


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It is a pathology that is characterized by a gum becomes red, swollen and bleeds easily. It appears in the form of dental plaque that hardens into tartar and reaches the periodontal tissues. It is the sign of a bad oral hygiene because of an inadequate technique. As soon as it appears, it represents a rather moderate pain that seems to be equivalent to any other. However, if it is not treated early enough, it can evolve into periodontitis. This is a much more serious form of periodontitis that most often leads to tooth loss. There are two main ways to deal with it.

Essential oil to soothe the pain

Depending on the severity of the gingivitis and your personal case, essential oil can be used in the form of mouthwash, gargle, on the mucous membrane of the gum, by ingestion in a little oil or on a tablet. The use of essential oils is recommended to a large number of people except pregnant women and children under 6 years old. In addition, there are risks of allergy or photosensitization. As a general rule, the most commonly used essential oil is laurel. It is applied 3 times a day on the area after brushing the teeth. If you want to make a mouthwash, the most recommended is a mixture of noble laurel, Cistus, Peppermint and Thyme linalol diluted in warm water.

Treatments or remedies to stop feeling pain

There are several remedies or treatments to feel no pain in case of painful gingivitis. Indeed, if your gums are swollen and painful, you can suck a clove or massage your gums with a gingival gel. You can also rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with salt water. If these two options don't work for you, you can chew a fresh mallow leaf as it has soothing properties. Finally, you can also do mouthwash with diluted hydrogen peroxide or water with baking soda and then chew propolis gum which is antibacterial but also refreshing. 

Sensitive teeth or fragile gums

Having sensitive teeth or fragile gums means experiencing dental sensitivity, which is none other than dentin hypersensitivity. It is an intense pain felt at the level of the teeth in contact with cold and heat. It results from the dental tissue, which is none other than dentin. It affects 15 to 20% of adults. The most common causes of sensitive teeth are: brushing the teeth too hard, using a stiff toothbrush or toothpaste with fluoride that is too abrasive. In the most extreme cases, it leads to gum recession or loss of tooth enamel.

The different possible treatments for sensitive teeth:

  • Root canal or filling: if your tooth sensitivity is due to exposed tooth roots, your dentist will apply a resin composite to fill the area around the tooth.
  • The use of a surface varnish: The dentist applies a product that opens the dentinal tubules and an ultraviolet light to optimize the effect of the varnish.
  • Composite resin: This is a white material that matches the color of your teeth. It allows to compensate for the loss of substances.
  • Mouthwashes with protective formulas: they help strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to acid attacks that weaken your teeth. 

Brown spots on the teeth

The presence of brown stains is due to a hypocalcification of the enamel or a defect of crystallization of the enamel. They can affect one or more front or back teeth. The reasons are varied, but most of the time it is due to tobacco, poor oral hygiene, the consumption of drinks that stain the teeth such as coffee, tea or red wine, the accumulation of tartar between the teeth or on the gums or Chlorhexidine in mouthwash.

Here are the different types of treatments to remove brown spots:

  • An outpatient treatment: The dentist uses a tray in which he puts a lightening product. It must be worn for several hours each day. The treatment lasts approximately 8 to 15 days.
  • In-office treatment: This consists of applying a lightening product containing hydrogen peroxide for at least one hour.
  • Combined treatment: This is a treatment that combines the outpatient treatment and the in-office treatment in part. It is therefore perfectly complete.
  • The use of a whitening toothpaste: You should choose a whitening toothpaste that contains active ingredients to fight against brown spots, such as bicarbonate and liquid calcium.

Yellow teeth

Yellow teeth are caused by enamel wear. Indeed, the alteration of the enamel makes the dentin more visible which will give a yellow color to your teeth. Tartar is also a factor of yellowing teeth. Indeed, after each meal, saliva mixes with bacteria in the mouth and forms plaque around the tooth. This plaque turns into tartar and turns yellow. In addition, an excess of fluoride during the development of the teeth in children causes stains that will turn yellow with time. It is therefore important to know the different dosages according to the age of your child.

Here are the different possible treatments or solutions in case of yellow teeth:

  • Scaling of the teeth: It will above all allow to remove the accumulated layer of tartar. Using a milling machine, the dentist removes the calcified plaque around the teeth.
  • Tooth polishing: It removes stains and smoothes small imperfections and rougher areas of the teeth to prevent plaque from building up again.
  • An appropriate toothpaste: Whitening action toothpastes have an exfoliating action that polishes the teeth. However, they should be used alternately with regular toothpastes so as not to attack your tooth enamel.
  • In-office teeth whitening: This is done in the office. The dentist will apply a hydrogen peroxide solution to your teeth according to your whitening needs and proceed to whitening using pulsed light.

Dental caries

Tooth decay is an infectious oral disease. It develops slowly and destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. It is caused by the sugars present in sweet foods and the action of bacteria in dental plaque. Plaque is a whitish substance that contains saliva and food particles. Plaque is deposited on the surface of the teeth. When plaque remains on the teeth, the bacteria it contains convert sugars from food into acids that attack the tooth.

Here are the different remedies and treatments to fight against tooth decay:

  • The filling: It fills the cavities to avoid the deterioration of your tooth and to prevent the bacteria from penetrating there. Indeed, a decayed tooth risks decaying the other teeth and causing an infection.
  • Analgesic treatment: It is sold on medical prescription or in pharmacy without prescription. The paracetamol type is most often indicated to treat pain.
  • Dental dressings: they prevent the entry of new bacteria that could destroy the dental tissue. It will prevent the decay from evolving while protecting your tooth.
  • Devitalization: Devitalization consists of removing the nerve of a tooth when it has been damaged by a deep cavity, a crack or an impact.

We hope that this guide has helped you identify the oral problem you have and that you will find a solution to remedy it among those we have suggested.


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