How to treat a tooth decay?


How to treat a tooth decay?

Tooth decay is a public health problem that has long been considered specific to children. However, it is an ailment that affects more adults when you do not follow certain oral hygiene rules. So how to treat tooth decay? 

Here is a guide that will help you understand how to treat tooth decay.

Dental caries: What is it?

Tooth decay is an infectious disease of bacterial origin that will progressively destroy all the hard tissues of the tooth. Its evolution is always from the outside to the inside of the tooth. It will form a cavity and most often starts in the areas that are less accessible to cleaning: the dental groove, the contact point between the teeth or the neck.

If left untreated, the decay will continue to progress to the inner part of your tooth, the pulp and the destruction of the tissues making it impossible to keep your tooth.

What are the symptoms of tooth decay

It is important to know that the symptoms of dental caries vary according to its stage of evolution. It is therefore important to know the 4 stages of tooth decay.

Here are the different stages of tooth decay:

  • Tooth enamel decay: You will usually feel no pain and have no symptoms.
  • Tooth decay in the dentin: You will usually feel a sudden pain when you touch hot or cold food. The pain is short-lived. Some people may not feel any pain at all.
  • Tooth pulp decay: You will usually feel a sudden, sharp, continuous pain.
  • Tooth pulp decay: You will feel intense pain with throbbing.) In addition to the intense pain, the following
  • symptoms may appear: redness of the gum, swelling of the gum or cheek, pain when chewing, headaches, fever. 

What causes tooth decay?

In order to treat this plague, which is tooth decay, we must start by understanding what causes it. Tooth decay occurs when the enamel of your tooth is attacked by batteries. When it is not treated as soon as possible, tooth decay can lead to the destruction of the tooth, and even have an impact on the gums.

Tooth decay can have several origins. Generally, it is the result of poor oral hygiene. When you don't brush your teeth in the right way and with the right frequency, microbes multiply more quickly. Also, the occurrence of dental caries can run in families. Doctors have found that there may be a genetic predisposition to cavities in some families.

An unbalanced diet can also cause tooth decay. Snacking between meals and eating too many sugary foods are factors that facilitate the proliferation of batteries. Finally, the appearance of dental plaque can also lead to the development of dental caries. 

How to treat a shallow tooth decay ?

When the impact of the tooth decay on the enamel is still very limited, it is possible to treat it without damaging the tooth too much. The dentist will first remove the tissue affected by the decay before covering it up. To do this, he can either use an amalgam, a mixture of silver and mercury powder, or a resin composite with a color identical to that of a natural tooth.

With this procedure, he will restore the tooth to its original shape and prevent the appearance of new decay. Sometimes the dentist uses a material called inlays for this type of treatment. This is a small block of metal or resin that is used to reshape a tooth as best as possible. Of course, the entire operation will be performed under anesthesia so that you will not feel any pain. If the dentist realizes that the cavity is very advanced, you will have to consider another type of treatment.

How to treat a deep tooth decay ?

When you are faced with a cavity that is too deep, there is only one solution: the devitalization of the tooth. This means that in its current state, it would be impossible to remove the decay while keeping your tooth alive. The treatment is done in several steps. First, the doctor removes the pulp tissue and disinfects the area to prevent you from suffering from a toothache.

Note that it is very common for a cavity to contaminate the entire area around it and lead to a neurosis. The next step will be to block the canals once the pulp tissue has been drained and the whole area has been cleaned. The doctor will try to rebuild the tooth so that it can be used normally.

How to prevent tooth decay?

The best way to fight tooth decay is to prevent it. With some simple oral hygiene measures, you can protect your teeth against this disease. First, it's all about brushing your teeth morning and night or three times a day. Most doctors recommend using a soft toothbrush and changing it every three months. This prevents battery build-up. When it comes to your toothpaste, choose fluoride-based ones. This is an element that strengthens enamel and promotes its mineralization. Fluoride is also effective in killing batteries.

In addition, flossing after brushing at night is important to remove food debris that creates germs. Visiting the dentist once a year should become one of your main habits. This will be an opportunity to perform a complete scaling to sanitize your mouth.

In conclusion, remember that the appropriate treatment for tooth decay depends on the severity of the decay. Shallow decay can be treated by removing the pulp tissue and covering the tooth. In the case of deep decay, a root canal is necessary to maintain your health.

It is also important to brush your teeth with a proper toothbrush. For example, the Y-Brush toothbrush takes care of your fragile and sensitive gums in case of oral problems.

We hope that this guide will help you understand what tooth decay is and how to identify its symptoms and causes. You will also know how to treat deep and shallow cavities. You will also have all the keys to prevent tooth decay.


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