Golden rules of brushing for children


Golden rules of brushing for children

Tooth decay is a disease that largely affects children. It is caused by the accumulation of dental plaque that contains bacteria. The reason for the presence of dental plaque on your child's teeth is the lack of brushing. It can damage those permanent teeth before they have even grown in, which can cause speech and pronunciation difficulties. It is therefore important that brushing becomes a routine of hygiene and that they know the main golden rules of brushing for children.

Here is a guide that will help you understand what the golden rules of brushing are that your child must apply to have a good oral hygiene.

Tooth brushing equipment for children

  • The electric toothbrush : The electric toothbrush allows to check in real time the quality of brushing and to indicate the badly cleaned areas thanks to a smartphone application
  • The dental floss: It allows to remove the dental plaque from those areas perfectly inaccessible to the toothbrush bristles. Its daily use prevents pathologies such as gingivitis or periodontitis
  • The hourglass for brushing teeth: It allows the child to monitor his brushing time so that he does not brush his teeth too quickly.
  • Seawater gingival spray: It is perfectly adapted to the daily care of the mouth because it is composed of a marine ionic solution enriched in zinc and potassium.
  • The oral irrigator: It is a jet of water that reaches the inaccessible areas when using the toothbrush or dental floss. It cleans and massages the gums and oral cavity.

    You can use the Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that will make you want to brush your teeth thanks to its features. It will not make brushing like a chore anymore.


The different oral hygiene tips according to age

Brushing teeth from 4 to 24 months

You should brush your child's teeth as soon as the first teeth appear. Brushing should be done twice a day for 2 minutes. The toothbrush used should have soft bristles and a padded head. The size of the brush should be perfectly adapted to your child's jaw. It is important not to use fluoride toothpaste and to put only a small amount on the toothbrush. You should also take your child to the dentist on his or her first birthday. It's also important to remember to make an appointment every six months to make sure your child's teeth are developing properly.

Brushing teeth from age 2 to 4

From the age of two, children can brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste to prevent cavities. You should encourage them to brush their own teeth. However, you still need to supervise them and re-brush their teeth so that they are perfectly clean. If they're not necessarily enthusiastic about brushing their teeth, you can make brushing their teeth fun. This can be done by purchasing a themed toothbrush with your child's favorite cartoon characters to help them learn good tooth and molar brushing habits.

Tooth brushing for ages 5 to 7

Young children don't always have the dexterity to brush their teeth thoroughly on their own. So it's important to help them brush and floss between their teeth. You can try letting them do it once and then help them afterwards. Also, you should give him fixed times to brush his teeth. They should be after each meal in the morning and in the evening. As far as toothpaste is concerned, you can give him a dose of toothpaste rich in fluorine of 1450 ppm minimum. A higher dosage can damage the enamel of his teeth and create oral problems.

Brushing at 8 and above

It is much more difficult to monitor your child's brushing at this age. Indeed, he will get used to eating various foods and sometimes forgetting to brush his teeth at school. It is therefore your duty to show your child how to apply a healthy oral routine by brushing the upper and lower teeth separately. Brushing should be complemented by flossing or using interdental brushes. It is important to avoid the consumption of cereal-based foods and sugary drinks because they promote tooth decay. From the age of 10, you can give him a toothpaste rich in fluorine with a concentration of 2500 ppm.

Tips to motivate your child to brush his teeth

Here are all the tips that will motivate your child to brush his teeth:

  • Tell them that brushing their teeth is a game: You can show them how to brush your teeth and then brush theirs to teach them the proper brushing technique.
  • Make toothbrushing fun for him: You can let him choose the toothbrush he wants: color, pattern and features of his choice.
  • Make him lose track of time while brushing his teeth: You can tell them a story or hum a song to make them forget that brushing their teeth takes two or three minutes.
  • Make him understand the importance of brushing his teeth: You need to explain that good oral hygiene helps prevent oral disease and dental visits.
  • Buy him mouth staining tablets: You can get him these tablets that allow you to see where plaque has not been properly removed.

We hope this guide has helped you understand what each brushing material your child needs. We also hope that you will be able to follow the various tooth brushing tips. If you follow the tips we've given you, you'll see that your child will love brushing.


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