How is gingivitis treated?


How is gingivitis treated?

Poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of gingivitis, or gum disease. This particularly painful periodontal disease also leads to the accumulation of plaque. To strengthen sensitive gums that could lead to other dental diseases and conditions in the oral cavity, you need to consult a dentist and adopt an effective gingivitis periodontitis treatment. 

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. Normally, the gums are pink in colour. However, they become red and irritated in the case of gingivitis. They bleed very easily when brushing the teeth. Gingivitis is very common in all types of individuals with or without tooth sensitivity. If it is not treated in time, it can spread to the gums, bone and tooth tissue. It can therefore lead to more serious and more difficult to treat diseases such as periodontitis. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease.

What does gingivitis look like?

Bleeding gums and bad breath are the first signs or symptoms of gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums occurs and the gums become painful when brushing your teeth. Gum infection is very advanced if you have reached the point where chewing is a pain. Beware, weakened teeth and gums can lead to tooth loosening and even tooth loss if gingivitis is not treated quickly! For this you need a gingivitis gum health treatment.

Gum disease and periodontal pockets are often caused by the accumulation of bacteria. They cause swelling of the gums and gum tissue, which leads to unpleasant pain and other dental problems. Teeth move abnormally and dental infections reach the blood vessels as well as the dental floss. Contact with the toothbrush becomes a torment because of bleeding gums. These gum problems can even lead to chewing disorders and even diseases.

How to avoid gingivitis: What are the main causes?

Gingivitis causes prevention or how to avoid bleeding gums? Like all periodontal diseases, gum inflammation or bleeding gums are caused by poor oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is more than just brushing your teeth: It's a little more complex. In fact, it's highly recommended that you visit your dentist regularly for a check-up to make sure that everything is fine, whatever your age.

At the dentist's office, you can have a scaling and get sound advice on the use of mouthwash and how to boost your immune system. For your oral health, your dentist will recommend a gingivitis treatment with hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. Note that hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty and menopause can also cause gum pain, but not necessarily gum disease. 

The most important things you can do to prevent gingivitis from getting worse

Here are some tips to help you avoid periodontitis:

Regularly checking your dental plaque

Good oral hygiene is important to prevent the formation of plaque. This means brushing your teeth twice a day. Plaque is a white, pasty deposit on the teeth. It is the acids it produces that attack the teeth. To see if there is any improvement, you should use a plaque developer available in pharmacies. This is a way to see if your oral health is improving over time. As soon as you see plaque, you should brush the dental arches. You can also use dental floss and interdental brushes to complement your tooth brushing. It is also recommended that you do not stop brushing your teeth if your gums bleed. Simply brush more gently with a soft toothbrush. In addition, mouthwashes are also beneficial. They should be done at least once a day.

Effective action on the external factors that promote gingivitis

To stop gingivitis as quickly as possible, it is important to change some of your daily habits. This is because they can also be harmful to your oral health. The sooner you do this, the less pain you will experience.

Here are two things that can help reduce the effects of gingivitis:

- Stop smoking: Smoking is one of the main factors that aggravate gum disease. Smoking is one of the main factors that aggravate gum disease, not only at the beginning but also during the course of the disease. It is therefore important to stop smoking.

- Eat a healthy diet: A healthy, balanced diet without snacking is one of the elements that contribute to maintaining good oral health. This is because plaque bacteria feed on sugary products.

You can use the Y-Brush toothbrush to prevent your gingivitis from getting worse. It removes 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush. It is therefore particularly effective in treating oral diseases. Not only in case of gingivitis but also in case of tooth decay.  



Gingivitis dental hygiene: How to treat it?

Before resorting to periodontal surgery, check with your practising dentist whether you can still treat gingivitis. You will need to increase your intake of vitamins C and D as well as your calcium levels. Then, you can adopt a treatment for your gingivitis effective in Lausanne with an antiseptic mouthwash. It will allow you to reduce ulcerative gingivitis and eliminate dental plaque at the same time. You can regain good dental hygiene and relieve swollen gums. Herpetic gingivitis will be a bad oral memory, just like an old tooth decay!

We hope that this guide has helped you identify the main symptoms of gingivitis. We also hope that you will be able to take the steps we have outlined in this guide. These are the only effective methods of preventing your gingivitis from getting worse. However, it is still important to follow medical treatment.  


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