Cold sensitive tooth: How to solve this problem ?


Cold sensitive tooth: How to solve this problem ?

Do your teeth hurt when you eat ice cream? You probably have dental hypersensitivity to cold. Dental pain is a characteristic of this condition. It is often not serious for our general health, but it is very annoying especially when eating or drinking cold food or drinks. Dental pain can also occur when we breathe too cool air in winter. These pains are brief, but very acute. Unlike tooth decay, cold sensitivity pain is felt on all teeth, not just on one specific tooth. Products for cold sensitive teeth can reduce hypersensitivity, but also relieve tooth pain.

Here's a guide to solving your cold sensitive tooth problem.  

What is tooth sensitivity ?

Tooth sensitivity is also called "dentinal hypersensitivity". It is characterized by a dental pain that is more or less sharp and sudden. This pain affects one or more teeth. Factors such as breathing in fresh or cold air, flossing and even a simple touch can cause it and many others. It is important to dissociate the pain of tooth sensitivity from the pain of tooth decay. Tooth decay pain is a dull, sharp or short-lived pain. It keeps you awake at night and can be triggered by eating or biting.

What are the main causes of cold tooth sensitivity ?

The reason you feel pain is because the dentin is exposed. Dentin is one of the tissues that form the tooth. The other tissues are the pulp, enamel and cementum. The gum and enamel protect the dentin. A gum problem will expose the dentin and make it vulnerable. You will then feel pain when your teeth come in contact with the cold. If you don't have good oral hygiene, an accumulation of dental plaque will become cavities and then cause gum inflammation. At this point, gum recession occurs, which damages the enamel.

Brushing teeth too intensely or with a toothbrush that is too hard will lead to enamel erosion. Toothpastes that contain too abrasive components also lead to the degradation of tooth enamel. Consumption of too acidic products and sweet foods also causes dental hypersensitivity to cold. Tooth whitening with abrasive products such as bicarbonate is also one of the causes of cold sensitivity. Smoking also deteriorates oral health and causes heat sensitivity.

You can use the Y-Brush toothbrush, which is a toothbrush with soft and fine bristles that can take care of your sensitive teeth. It brushes everywhere even when you have braces. It brushes under the wire of the dental apparatus, the wire of contention but also the rings.


What can be done to reduce tooth sensitivity to cold ?

Dental hypersensitivity can be reduced by taking simple steps. Good oral hygiene helps to strengthen the teeth. It is important to take care of your teeth in order to avoid problems that affect your teeth and gums. Brushing your teeth is therefore the basis. Brushing your teeth morning and night with an appropriate toothbrush is the key. Use an electric toothbrush with interdental brushes if necessary. The most important thing is that your toothbrush is soft and comfortable to use.

Use a good product for cold-sensitive teeth. Brush your teeth with care. You don't want to overload your teeth when brushing. Always protect the tooth root. Apply circular motions from the gum to the tooth. Remember to rinse your mouth thoroughly after each brushing. Reduce the consumption of acidic beverages and sugary foods. Remember to drink water after eating acidic foods. Use dental floss to remove food debris from the tips of your teeth.

Choose good toothpastes for sensitive teeth. Toothpaste with fluoride is the best option for a healthy oral cavity. Have your teeth scaled once a year at the dentist. Don't overdo tooth whitening. Remember to limit the use of baking soda. Also, rinse your mouth regularly with hydrogen peroxide.

When should I see a dentist ?

Normally we should make an appointment with a dental office at least every 6 months. When you still have a toothache even though your tooth has not been stimulated, consult a dentist immediately. When bleeding gums occur while you are brushing your teeth, you should also make an appointment with your dentist. The pain can also be caused by a damaged or broken tooth, which means that the intervention of a dental surgeon is required. In cases of severe gingivitis or periodontal disease as well. If you need extensive dental care or prescription of antibiotics and antiseptics, only a specialist can help you.

Good dental hygiene is the guarantee against hypersensitivity of the teeth to cold. Do not hesitate to use products for cold sensitive teeth to limit dental pain.

We hope this guide has helped you understand the causes of cold sensitive teeth. We also hope that you understand how to improve your oral hygiene to reduce tooth pain when you come in contact with cold. In addition, we hope that you will understand why it is important to see your dentist if the pain persists.   


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