No more saliva at night: how to solve this problem


No more saliva at night: how to solve this problem

The lack of saliva at night is related to a dryness of the throat or more precisely of the mouth. It is called xerostomia. It affects a large number of people either regularly or occasionally. The symptoms are various and varied. It can be for example: the sensation of irrepressible thirst, the pasty mouth, sometimes even chapped lips and many others. This is why it is important to know how to solve this particularly disabling problem in everyday life. To do this, you need to start with simple techniques at hand. Then, you should call your dentist who will give you further advice to solve the problem.

Here is how to solve the problem of lack of saliva at night.

Causes of dry mouth at night

The main risk factors that can contribute to dry mouth are stress and anxiety. It is also sometimes the medications you are taking that cause dry mouth. It is important to inform your dentist of your general health problems in any case once you have alleviated the problem because any factor that increases the risk of dry mouth also increases the risk of gum disease or gingivitis

The diet to adopt when you have no more saliva at night

  • Have the right technique to eat: you must chew for a long time because chewing stimulates the production of saliva.
  • Choose the right foods: you need to chew and swallow more easily, which is why it is important to choose soft, water-rich foods such as fresh fruit, cucumber and melon.
  • Eat food at the right temperature: you should eat food that is warm or at room temperature.
  • Drink plenty of water: You should drink a few sips of water between each bite of what you eat.
  • Avoid dry foods: you should avoid eating cereals, rice and alcohol at all costs.
  • Also limit your consumption of very salty or spicy foods : they are dehydrating and irritating.

The different remedies when you have no more saliva at night

  • Clove: it can be particularly useful in case of dental pain, while waiting to be treated by a dentist.
  • Aloe vera juice: this juice from the aloe vera plant is super hydrating. It is therefore good to fight against dry mouth. So it is an effective tip to reduce dry mouth instantly.
  • Marshmallow root: it is a moisturizing plant like aloe vera, which is very popular among herbalists. It has undeniable positive effects on saliva production.
  • Ginger: it stimulates the production of saliva, which considerably relieves the dryness of the mouth.

The different solutions when you have more saliva at night

  • Use a humidifier: to avoid dry mouth at night, it is sometimes advisable to place a humidifier in the bedroom, and to avoid falling asleep with your mouth open.
  • Practice good tooth brushing: your teeth should be brushed after each meal with toothpaste that is free of sodium lauryl sulfate, an irritant for sensitive mucous membranes. Your brushing should be completed with dental floss and mouthwash.
  • Use homeopathy: Dry mouth can be alleviated with homeopathic treatment. This treatment will vary according to the type of dryness observed. The medicine: NATRUM MURIATICUM 5 CH will be indicated in intense thirst, dry mouth and pasty tongue. In case of dryness of the mucous membranes with thirst for large quantities of cold water, BRYONIA ALBA 5 CH will be more indicated.
  • Breathe through the nose: the mouth can aggravate dry mouth and cause other oral health problems. Try to breathe through your nose more often than through your mouth, especially if you are prone to dry mouth.

You can brush your teeth with a soft-bristled sonic toothbrush, but also with fluoride toothpaste and a good mouthwash. You should also brush your tongue gently. To do this, you can use the Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that offers you an effective brushing of each tooth, in only 10 seconds but also of the gums. It allows you to brush all sides, that is, even the inner sides of the teeth simultaneously.


The final step: call a dentist

Once you have tried all the techniques to get better in case of dry mouth, you must consult a general practitioner, a dentist or even an ophthalmologist who will make a diagnosis. The clinical examination will usually suffice. However, many tests exist, such as the Shirmer test when Sjögren's syndrome is suspected. This is an autoimmune disease that affects the salivary glands. The technique is particularly simple if you call an ophthalmologist: he will place a small strip of blotting paper by one end in the internal angle of the eye and look after 2 minutes, what is the length of the paper moistened. If this length is less than 20 mm, the dry eye is confirmed.

We hope this guide has helped you understand the causes of dry mouth at night. We also hope that you have understood the importance of changing your diet drastically. The different remedies and solutions for dry mouth at night will help you get better. However, it is essential to call on a dentist who will accompany you as best as possible.


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