Why choose an alcohol-free mouthwash?


Why choose an alcohol-free mouthwash?

Brushing your teeth is a necessary action to maintain good oral hygiene. However, brushing alone is not enough to properly remove all the food debris that gets between the teeth. For this reason, mouthwashes have been designed to complement brushing. An alcohol-free mouthwash is the best choice for your mouth. Find out why here.

Here is a guide to why you should choose an alcohol-free mouthwash.

What are the benefits of alcohol-free mouthwash?

Mouthwashes made without alcohol are excellent for your teeth. They disinfect your mouth because of the different antiseptic products they contain. They are products that help strengthen enamel and allow teeth to resist sugars and acids. Alcohol-free mouthwash contains substances that protect you from cavities and treat infections.

By using this product, you reduce dental plaque, protect your gums and also treat mouth ulcers. The alcohol-free mouthwash allows you to heal the mouth in case of injury. You maintain a fresh breath and reduce the risk of cancer.

It is used in addition to a good toothbrush that will start removing plaque. This can be a sonic electric toothbrush. This type of toothbrush can remove more plaque than a traditional toothbrush. You can therefore opt for the Y-Brush toothbrush for example.


What are the different types of alcohol-free mouthwashes?


There are various categories of alcohol-free mouthwash.

Protective mouthwashes

This type of mouthwash helps to fight cavities. It contributes to the reinforcement of the dental enamel. The goal is to make it resistant to acids. It is a product that cleans the areas that you cannot reach during brushing. It is recommended for children between 6 and 12 years old who are not yet able to brush their teeth well. Mouthwash does not cure tooth decay, but is used for prevention.

Antiseptic mouthwashes

These mouthwashes are very rich in substances that help fight germs. These are mainly hexetidine and chlorhexidine. With these components, the antiseptic mouthwash will be able to treat infections and oral inflammations. They are often used by the dentist after a dental surgery.

It helps to avoid a proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. In case of abscess, swelling of the gums, this mouthwash is ideal to relieve your pains. The use of an alcohol-free mouthwash does not prevent you from taking antibiotics if you have a proven infection.

Mouthwash for gums

They are composed of well-selected substances for toning the gums and stopping the formation of dental plaque. Mouthwash for gums contains a small dose of antiseptic, fluorine and inflammatory agents. It reduces dental bleeding and changes the appearance of the gums in just a few days. When using these mouthwashes, you should avoid the use of stiff bristle brushes.

Mouthwashes for bad breath

Mouthwashes designed to fight bad breath contain powerful natural disinfectants. Essential oils are also included. This formula is recommended when you have major problems with bad breath.

It has a purifying effect that makes it an excellent complement to brushing. This mouthwash will keep your gums healthy and your breath fresh for hours.

Anti-aphthas mouthwash

This type of mouthwash was recently introduced to the market. It contains an agent called hyaluronic acid that facilitates healing. It is a substance that creates an adhesive and protective film on the oral mucosa. It is widely used in the prevention and treatment of mouth ulcers. It is a product that also works well in the presence of multiple ulcerations.

How should I use an alcohol-free mouthwash ?

For a good result, you should keep the liquid for 30 seconds in your mouth and spit it out. If you use an antiseptic mouthwash, the ideal use is two to three times a day. Follow the treatment rigorously for two weeks. You must consult your doctor before extending the number of days. As far as protective and purifying products are concerned, perform your mouthwash after each meal. This is a treatment that you should do for a month.

To allow the fluoride in the product to work, avoid rinsing immediately after use. For the gums mouthwash, your product should be used twice a day minimum for 15 days. The use of the alcohol-free anti-aphthalmic mouthwash differs from all other products. You can use your product as often as you like until the symptoms disappear. It is the healthiest and safest mouthwash available.

We hope this guide has helped you understand the benefits of alcohol-free mouthwash. We also hope that you have understood the properties of each alcohol-free mouthwash so that you can choose the most suitable one for you. The principle of use is common to all alcohol-free mouthwashes. 


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