How does the Bass toothbrushing technique work?


How does the Bass toothbrushing technique work?

This technique was developed by the physician Charles C. Bass in the late 1940s. It aims to clean the junction between the gum and the tooth with the greatest precision. This is where the bacteria that cause gingivitis and periodontitis are found. It is a much more effective technique than conventional brushing, as it effectively brushes the teeth, gums and interdental spaces at the same time.  

Here is a guide to how the Bass method works and how it is much more effective than a traditional toothbrushing technique.            

Presentation of the Bass method

This method involves a vibratory action on the teeth. Therefore, a horizontal up and down movement from the teeth to the gums is required. To do this, the toothbrush should be positioned in the gum line at a 45 degree angle to the tip of the teeth. She also recommends brushing 10 times in each area. Finally, a final sweep should be made towards the occlusal surfaces to remove subgingival debris.

The advantages of this method are as follows:

- It is the only brushing method that places the toothbrush bristles in the gum line

- The right equipment should be used: a soft/soft bristle toothbrush

- It is designed to remove dental plaque and debris from the gum line

- Controls dental plaque that leads to periodontal disease and tooth decay

The soft toothbrush compared to a medium or hard toothbrush will optimise this method much better as long as you have the right material and toothbrushing method.

The required toothbrushing time 

According to the recommendations of the Union Française pour la Santé Bucco-Dentaire, effective brushing generally lasts 2 minutes. You can divide your brushing time by 4 by making small brushings of 30 seconds. However, it is important to know that brushing time is not necessarily the most important factor. The main advantage of this technique is that you can brush all sides correctly without leaving any side out. You can therefore take more or less time, as the main thing is to do a complete brushing. You just have to make sure that you use precise strokes.  

You can therefore take less time than recommended, provided that your toothbrush follows the Bass toothbrushing method. This is the case with the 10-second electric toothbrush from Y-Brush. It simplifies toothbrushing by allowing you to brush all sides of your teeth at the same time, i.e. the front/outer and back/internal sides as well as each tooth at the same time.   



The different steps of the Bass toothbrushing technique  


Step 1: A good grip on the toothbrush

It is important to hold the toothbrush by the end of the handle and by the fingertips. You should only use 3 fingers of one hand to hold the toothbrush. Do not squeeze it tightly. Be prepared to brush very gently.

Step 2: Initial positioning

The toothbrush should be positioned at the border between the gum and the tooth. You must do as if the bristles were going to enter under the gum. It is placed at a 45° angle to the root of the tooth. It is also important not to apply too much pressure so as not to damage your gums and teeth.

Step 3: Performing the brushing movements

This Bass technique, which involves brushing up and down, is an effective strategy to avoid forgetting to brush certain teeth. It is important to loosen your teeth to brush the top teeth and then the bottom. You should start with the outside of the last upper tooth on the left and work your way to the other end of your teeth. You should make a horizontal movement on the outer and inner sides. This allows your toothbrush to progress so that you brush all the sides of the teeth. In addition, you should move back and forth on all chewing surfaces. Don't forget to brush the tongue.

You can use an electric toothbrush such as the Y-Brush to perform this brushing technique. Indeed, this toothbrush respects the Bass technique recommended by dentists. It has bristles inclined at 45° on the sides, which allows to brush without aggression the gums and the gingival sulcus, which, as we have seen, is the necessary inclination for this good toothbrushing method. In addition, the filaments of the toothbrush have a good inclination which allows a perfect automation of the gesture.    


The Bass technique is a method of toothbrushing from the bottom up (and not vertically as most people are used to doing) which removes much more quickly than a classic brushing technique: the dental plaque and tartar which are at the origin of oral diseases. Indeed, this very specific technique allows you to brush your teeth and gums without forgetting certain sides. It is much easier to do with a manual or electric toothbrush. This is why it is important to choose a toothbrush that respects this brushing method. All these advices, will allow you to know how to carry out at best this technique of brushing to keep teeth and gums healthy.     



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