Bicarbonate for teeth: how to use it ?


Bicarbonate for teeth: how to use it ?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, has been a real sensation lately. This natural product is talked about in various cooking sites and cosmetic blogs. Baking soda is a versatile product, as it is used in many beauty recipes, but also for dental care. It is also one of the flagship products of smile bars. Baking soda for teeth is one of the most effective natural products for cleaning teeth. Here are our tips for the proper use of baking soda for teeth.

Here's a guide on how baking soda is the best solution for teeth whitening and which one to use to brush your teeth for white teeth.

What is baking soda ?

Baking soda is a natural substance found in many elements. It is present in the human body or in sea water. It is necessary to make the difference with sodium carbonate and caustic soda. These elements are aggressive chemical substances and really very dangerous. They are not usable for our well-being as the food bicarbonate. But baking soda is still a very powerful active. It is one of the main components of shampoos and deodorants. It is also used in toothpastes to whiten teeth. It comes as a white soluble powder. Baking soda is an ecological and biodegradable product. It plays a very important role in tooth whitening.

The benefits of baking soda in general

 Baking soda is also recommended from generation to generation because it has many advantages:

  • It is a natural and non-polluting product unlike most medicines and other cleaning products.
  • It is generally very cheap and can be bought in supermarkets.
  • It is used in various fields such as health. Indeed, you must consult your doctor before any use, but also for
  • The maintenance of the house to remove all the bad smells and in the garden but also in the kitchen.

Why use baking soda for teeth ?

If you still don't know how to have white teeth, the solution is simple: you should always use baking soda for your teeth. Indeed, it is better to use natural solutions to maintain good oral health. Baking soda cleans the mouth thoroughly. It prevents the formation of dental plaque by dissolving food debris. Baking soda fights against bad breath, because it cleans our oral cavity. It ensures the reduction of tartar formation. Baking soda has an abrasive formula that smoothes the surface of the teeth. It removes yellow stains left by tobacco and food residues. It is part of a smile bar's teeth whitening kit. Baking soda allows you to have beautiful white teeth and a beautiful smile. Brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste may not be enough. You need to add a little baking soda to your teeth and you will have a brighter smile than before. Baking soda is therefore considered a natural, environmentally friendly and easy to use whitening product.

How to use baking soda on teeth ?

You must use baking soda properly to have an effective result on teeth whiteness. Before brushing your teeth, add a pinch of baking soda powder on the toothpaste. Then brush your teeth normally. Some dentists recommend brushing with regular toothpaste and then continuing brushing with baking soda. This last action requires making a bicarbonate paste to obtain a homemade toothpaste. The process is simple, mix a little water and baking soda until a paste-like mixture is obtained. The paste obtained can also be applied to the teeth for 5 minutes to have whiter teeth than usual.

The main precautions to take when using it

It is best not to use baking soda too frequently, as it is an abrasive product. Using it too frequently will prevent you from preserving the condition of your tooth enamel intact, but it will also make your teeth much more sensitive and more likely to attract tooth decay. It should therefore be used no more than twice a week. It is also important not to use too much of it. Ideally, you should use a pinch of baking soda. This amount is sufficient to maintain good oral hygiene.

Which baking soda should i choose for my teeth ?

There are 3 types of baking soda. There is the food baking soda, the technical baking soda and the officinal baking soda. The chemical composition of the food bicarbonate and the technical bicarbonate is the same. The difference between the 2 products is their purity. The edible bicarbonate is purer, because the grains that make up the powder are finer. The food grade baking soda is therefore of better quality and has undergone more tests and analyses than the technical baking soda. Compendial baking soda is purer than food grade baking soda, but it is obviously more expensive. So use baking soda for your teeth from now on to have a dazzling smile with your white teeth.

The different home recipes with baking soda to whiten teeth

Recipe #1: Homemade baking soda toothpaste

For this recipe you need one teaspoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of fine sea salt, one teaspoon of ginger powder, 3 tablespoons of fine white clay powder, 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. The recipe is simple: you need to mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve cool. In addition, you can also put baking soda on your toothbrush once a week.

Recipe #2:Baking soda mouthwash

For this recipe, you need baking soda and cold water. The recipe is simple: you only need to dilute half a spoonful of baking soda in half a glass of cold or warm water and gargle with the mouthwash for a few minutes. It will allow you to regain your fresh breath and preserve the enamel of your teeth.

To maximize the effect of these two teeth whitening recipes, you can use a sonic toothbrush. For example, you can use the Y-Brush toothbrush. This is a toothbrush that has an ultra-flexible Y-shaped brush. It was designed to fit all jaws. It features sonic vibration technology and 35,000 filaments made of PA6.12 nylon. The 45° angle of the toothbrush bristles actively removes plaque and protects the gums.  



Bicarbonate teeth whitening kits

The MySmile tooth whitening kit

This kit is sold for 23.74 euros on the Amazon website. It does not contain hydrogen peroxide but sodium bicarbonate. It uses UV blue LED light technology with 6 activated vegetable charcoal teeth whitening gels. It allows to act effectively on the stains that are caused by the use of tobacco, tea or coffee. All the ingredients contained in this tooth whitening kit are natural ingredients and therefore without chemicals.

The StartKit-BeconfiDent tooth whitening kit

This kit is sold at a price of 39.90 on the official website. It consists of 10 ml of whitening gel with a melon taste which is provided for 10 treatments as well as 3 mouth trays and 1 extra which are provided to maintain the whitening gel during the process but also a shade guide to see the color of your teeth as the whitening process goes on. You will not feel any pain in your gums. A treatment will only take 15 minutes.

Why you shouldn't mix lemon and baking soda

Lemon juice will demineralize your tooth enamel. Indeed, it will create micro-holes on the surface of the tooth which will weaken it. Baking soda is a little less risky in the short term. 

We hope this guide has helped you understand how baking soda is less dangerous than hydrogen peroxide when it comes to teeth whitening and also what type of baking soda to use for teeth. We hope you understand how to use it according to your preferences.


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