Kow-Lanta, Survivor, two shows where adventurers compete against each other around different challenges to win comforts (food, night in a hotel...etc), and at the end there will be only one left!
These programs make you dream, they represent the surpassing of yourself and the thirst for adventure. The only downside is that you care too much about your oral health. Today we give you some tips to be an adventurer with white teeth.
To become an adventurer for a few days, who has never dreamed of it except those who can't stand sports clothes, those who don't like to sleep outside their bed, those who don't want to sleep under the stars, those who want to stay beautiful and clean... Finally the list is long!
We understand you, but what prevents us from participating is rather the fact that we can't brush our teeth! We care too much about our smile and our white teeth! And no Y-Brush on the paradise island. We even asked if we could bring the travel case, but the production refused :(
40 days on an island, it can be long for your teeth. Although the candidates on the island eat very little and eat exclusively rice and crabs...raw. So it is safe to assume that the teeth are very little affected.
Teeth must be brushed at least twice a day to reduce the build-up of dirt and bacteria.
So if you're an adventurer or you're stranded on a desert island and you don't have your Y-Brush, some little tricks can replace brushing for a few hours or even days.
The piece of wood, because it is not only used to make a fire or to kill a crab, will be very useful to clean between your teeth and thus avoid food remains stuck in your mouth.
Once the fire is lit (if you are lucky), use the charcoal as a toothpaste and run your finger over your teeth to partially clean them. We imagine that it must not be very pleasant as texture in the mouth.
With luck, you will be the best and will win THE comfort game, the one that you should not miss because it is the only one that offers toothbrushing... Imagine that in a few years, no I say a few months, instead of the toothbrush in this wonderful hotel at the end of the world, sits our Y-Brush! We promise to keep you posted :)
As soon as you return to civilization, make an appointment at the dentist for a complete check-up and get into the habit of using the Y-Brush.
We'll be proud to see that adventurers are among our customers.
Ready to try the adventure in Pirates of the Caribbean mode?
Being an adventurer and brushing your teeth